This is fantastic! I really enjoy your voice and the lyrics! Very flavorful and themed, and the sounds are great. A worthy death-match competitor!
This is fantastic! I really enjoy your voice and the lyrics! Very flavorful and themed, and the sounds are great. A worthy death-match competitor!
Hey-- thanks, man!
I'm looking forward to hearing your submission! I'm kinda struggling with mine...
This kicks ass Jon, keep it the fuck up <:
I might change it up more!
It seems to all follow a single theme in the background, almost like solos over a backing track. The solos also don't seem to connect really well, they're very clearly sectioned out every four bars.
They are pretty neat solos, though! I might do thicker vibrato so you can add some serious dynamic to your playing, but you definitely got speed down! I'd worry less about speed and more about connecting with the rhythm and the chords better.
Otherwise, it sounds pretty neat! I'd just focus more on thinking out your playing or changing the song around some.
Yeah, I know it sounds very repetitive that's why I cut out a lot of it. There was SOME variation in the old one but it was very little compared to how much of the song is actually the same LOL. As for it sounding like a backing track, that's essentially what it has become now hehe a horrible loop song .
The solos are also supposed to sound sectioned out. It's supposed to sound sort of like a guitar trade off of solos, like if there are two guitarists. That's why the solos have two different tones and are panned slightly left and right and they eventually come together at the last part. Each "guitarist" needed to have an equal number of bars (even though the chorus guitar actually got a little bit more) to be "fair" hehe.
I will definitely consider that advice about my playing! :D I just can't help playing fast, I just like the rush.
Thank you for your review and advice!
Damn right energetic
Holy shitsack, how come I haven't listened to you here on NG before. What's wrong with me. :<
This is wonderfully intense and it stays interesting throughout, it doesn't bore you with excess repetition and it makes me joy with your playing.
The riffs are great, and the leads are sexy, some of the vibrato in there is so wonderfully thick. lovethis
Appreciate your compliments and thanks for listening man! :D Glad you like it, making a album out of this style/song.. so more will be coming.
Kickass feel
I love the compound time and the harmonies, and the harmonized runs! Absolutely beautiful. C: Everything is so solid and precise. I just feel like the rhythm guitars are a little tiny in the mix for some reason. You can still hear everything great though, and fuck is it solid. The leads are sick as always.
Ya I thought the same too I am messing with the transitions in the beginning. It seems a little empy but I dunno. I'm still messing with the mix. Thanks for the review mang!
The grinding high pitched razor sharp waveform kind of hurts, but the Youtube fights are an interesting choice of instrument. The rhythms you made with the crowd are awesome, and the drums are groovy. Pretty cool c:
Yeah i think i went a tad over the top with the high pitch stuff. Thanks for reviewing!
Super chill c:
I love your chord choices and your solo voicing. It's got such a nice, light feel. The acoustic guitars add such a great layer. Everything in the background adds up to a full, beautiful track
Thank you sir C:
Sweet melodies
I love the harmonies, and the riffy/pretty 6/8 is such a great feel, and the later riffage is intense. The leads are fucking sick as usual, specially round the end. damn you can play.
I might bring up the bass and rhythm guitars a teensy itty bitty more to punch with the kick drum, but the mix is still super sexy.
3:16 solo is ridiculous, fuuuck.
Thank you MJ
kor!!! ya this whole song is 6/8 I love that time sig. I'll be sure to bring up the rhythm guitars and bass a bit thanks for the tip! I need it!
Hi, my name is Nathan, I'm an aspiring musician. I've been playing and producing music for several years. If you want to know more, just ask me, I'll gladly answer. Contact me at
Age 32, Male
Corinth, TX
Joined on 11/26/05